
23 Deacon Avenue, Bright

(03) 5750 1367

Alpine View Children’s Centre

Alpine View Children’s Centre is located in a picturesque location on Deacon Avenue in Bright. The service is located adjacent to the Bright P-12 College and at the foot of Huggins Lookout, a regular site for our Nature Program. A significant extension to the service occurred in 2021, thanks to the generosity of Alpine Shire Council and the Department of Education (Victoria). 

In 2024, Community Bank Bright approved a very generous grant to help us extend our outside playspace through the construction of a pergola to be used as an outside classroom.

The service includes a range of programs including an early childhood education and care program, Maternal and Child Health Service, Bright Toy Library.

Alpine View Children’s Centre boasts a team of highly qualified educators with three funded three-year-old and four-year-old kindergarten programs (two Centre based and one bush play based). A high-quality educational program ensures all children receive an individual learning program that encourages them to meet their potential.

The extensive outdoor play space offers a number of sandpits, soft-fall areas for climbing and gross motor development, range of swings, bike path, vegetable gardens and lots of areas that invite children to explore and play and learn.